Education Monday, 24 July 2023

How to Prepare Your Child for Scholarships

The Path to Scholarships - A Guide for Parents Q - Should my child sit for a scholarship at a school? A - Sitting for a scholarship is a really personal choice and it comes down to what you are hoping to achieve. A scholarship may increase the school options available to you, making some schools more accessible to more families. Other families may want to sit them as a means of gaining more external data on their child’s progress, increasing the ability to target focus areas. Some families may…

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Wellbeing Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Nurturing Wellbeing Through Art & Design

Improve Well-Being Through The Arts When we visit a gallery—often roaming and reflecting in silence—or watching a performance on stage, we can become consumed by thoughts and feelings, which have the power to transport us to realms outside ourselves. When a teenager engages with artistic endeavours, those moments can have a profound impact on their mind for the better. Art enriches our life experiences and adds colour, sound and meaning in order to understand new contexts and perspectives.…

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Leadership Monday, 05 June 2023

The Next Generation of Young Leaders

While the world is changing at a rapid pace, the qualities of a great leader remain the same. As the next generation of young leaders begins to emerge, we are seeing leaders that are not afraid to challenge the status quo, making a difference in their communities and beyond. In this blog, we will hear from our young female leaders, who despite setbacks, were able to persevere and show that with determination anything is possible. Amelia - Junior School Class Captain. Junior School Class…

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Education and Teaching Thursday, 01 June 2023

Neurodiversity in the Classroom

How to work with neurodiverse women in the classroom I was recently asked the question by someone intrigued by the world of education, ‘What has changed the most in your role as a teacher over time?’ I found this question really interesting to reflect on and I am sure the answer I gave will resonate with other educators. Early on in my teaching career I would acknowledge different types of learners and learning styles in the classroom and over 20 years later, I am still differentiating. I am…

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Education Wednesday, 22 Mar 2023

The ATAR Debate. Do Australian Students Still Need It ?

Should the ATAR stay or go? How challenging traditional methods of reporting will open real industry pathways for students. I commenced my teaching career in 2000, at the beginning of the century (that sounds both momentous and frightening simultaneously). This time not only marked the beginning of my career but also a time of change in the world, where the students I taught learnt the meaning of the word terrorism through world events and not just fictional texts. With any kind of change it…

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International Women's Day Monday, 06 Mar 2023

Women Who Inspire Us

Amazing women who inspire us. In honour of International Women’s Day on Wednesday 8 March, we wanted to highlight some of the talented women of Toorak College who have shown perseverance, grit and spirit to achieve success in their chosen fields. Miss Tando Matanda, Toorak Collegian, Venture Capitalist and Innovation Consultant Tell us about your educational journey. “I am a Cambridge University graduate, investment and corporate venturing expert, who has spent the last decade advising,…

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Junior School Tuesday, 21 Feb 2023

The Importance of Transition From Primary to High School

The Importance of Successful Transition to High School At the beginning of a school year, students, parents and educators alike, have a large focus on transition. We understand the importance of transition for two important reasons: A successful transition to high school instils self-confidence and develops social competence, which allows for new connections and friendships to be forged, and it enables new beginnings to be created, allowing for goals and plans to be made that direct a young…

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Innovation Monday, 23 Jan 2023

Why Educators Should Embrace ChatGPT

How will ChatGPT alter the world of education ? Just when we thought we could be returning to a sense of normality in schools in 2023, our next wave of disruption comes crashing down, right before those gates open for a new school year. ChatGPT has crept into the world right when we were unplugging for a few weeks and finally reading books for pleasure, watching a TV series and enjoying the luxury of having nowhere else to be. If you are not already familiar with ChatGPT it is a language model…

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Parenting Wednesday, 07 Dec 2022

Top 7 Parent Tips For Returning to School

How to support your child’s return to school As we prepare our children for the return to school, while it is a very exciting time for many, for some it can bring with it feelings of unease, uncertainty and trepidation. Those butterflies in the stomach are completely normal as we face challenges or change, and it is important to work with those feelings, not against them. Whether it be concerns around starting a new school, a desire to explore new friendship circles or being away from parents…

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